module.exports = {
equals: equals,
parseParameters: parseFactPaths,
getContext: getContext,
compilePath: compilePath,
typeof: _typeof
const paramRegex = /(?:\/\*?@ *([\w/.]+?) *\*\/ *\w+,?)|[(,]? *(\w+) *[,)]?/g;
const trailingTermRemovalRegex = /[^/]+?$/;
const pathCompactionRegex = /\/[^/.]+\/\.\./;
const currentPathRemoval = /\.\//g;
* Compare two values and return true if they are equal. Fix date comparison issue and insure
* both types are the same.
* @param {*} a The first value used to compare.
* @param {*} b The second value used to caompare.
function equals(a, b) {
var aValue = a;
if (a instanceof Date) {
aValue = a.getTime();
var bValue = b;
if (b instanceof Date) {
bValue = b.getTime();
return (aValue === bValue);
function _typeof(o) {
if (o instanceof Date) {
return "date";
else if (o instanceof Array) {
return "array";
else {
return typeof o;
* Generator that parses all fact paths derived from the given rule parameters. Either return the
* parameter name or the path contained by the optional attribute comment. Single parameter lambda
* function must put the parameter between parenthesis to be parsed properly.
* @example
* Using an attribute comment:
* async function(/¤@ /path/to/fact ¤/ param1, param2) {}
* In the above example:
* 1) ¤ replaces * because using * and / one after the other ends the documentation comment.
* 2) returned fact paths would be ['/path/to/fact', 'param2']
* @param {AsyncFunction} rule The rule
function* parseFactPaths(rule) {
let allParamsRegex = /\((.+?)\)|= ?(?:async)? ?(\w+) ?=>/g;
let paramCode = (rule.toString().split(')')[0] + ')');
let paramCodeWithoutEol = paramCode.replace(/\s+/g, " ");
let allParamMatch = allParamsRegex.exec(paramCodeWithoutEol);
if (!allParamMatch) return;
let allParams = allParamMatch[1];
let paramMatch = paramRegex.exec(allParams);
do {
yield (paramMatch[1] || paramMatch[2]);
paramMatch = paramRegex.exec(allParams);
while (paramMatch)
* Extracts the context from the fact or rule name. Must be a compiled path, not a path that
* contains "../" or "./".
* @example
* Given the rule path: '/path/to/some/rule'
* The returned value would be: '/path/to/some'
* @param {String} compiledPath The compiled path to extract the context from.
function getContext(compiledPath) {
return compiledPath.replace(trailingTermRemovalRegex, "");
* Create a compacted fact name from a given fact name. Path do not end with a trailing '/'.
* '../' Denote the parent term. Move up one term in the context or path.
* './' Denote the current term. Removed from the context or path.
* Examples:
* '/a/given/../correct/./path' is compiled to '/a/correct/path'
* @param {String} path The path or context to compile into a context.
function compilePath(path) {
let current = path;
let next = path.replace(pathCompactionRegex, "");
while (next != current) {
current = next;
next = current.replace(pathCompactionRegex, "");
if (current.startsWith("/..")) {
throw new Error(`Unable to compile the path '${path}' properly.`);
return current.replace(currentPathRemoval, "");